Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Magic by Chez Guevara

OK, you'll like this. This is magic over the internet by yours truly...

First of all, I want you to pick one of the following cards. Don't click on it, just keep it in your head.

Right. Now I'm going to try to read your mind. Look into my eyes and think about your card for about 20 seconds...

OK... Now I have to think about whether I can guess your card with my magic hat....

I'm thinking, I'm thinking... Nope. The hat isn't helping. I'm going to have to think a lot harder...

Think, think, think

Yes, I think I've got it. The Great Chez Guevara will now remove your card.

Impressed? Now scroll up and do it again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh soooooo much. I didn't know you were magic, (eat your heart out Harry Potter) xx