Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Well, it's goodnight from me...

The period of my guest hosting now draws to a close and with a sigh of relief, shared, I'm sure, by most of you, I hand the blog back to its rightful owner, the much-funnier Chez Guevara. Long may his witty insights and bizarre photographs of animals in fancy dress continue.

You've been a great audience, guys. Thanks for the warm welcome, and have a safe journey home. I've got some CDs on sale in the foyer.

This is Little Zoe. Over and out.


Anonymous said...

Well done! You did a grand job and so say all of us, Chez will be proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Hear hear; big up yourself, LZ... grammar aside, I think you're tenure was perfect in every way.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to dignify that with an answer.