Sunday, September 17, 2006

Liars and Charlatans of the Worst Kind...

Not much gets me cross. I'm a pretty laid-back kind of guy... But something that really gets my goat is when Big Business lies to you, or pretends to be something they're not.

I'm on a health drive. After years of living on crisps, chocolate and fizzy drinks, I've realised that I need something with perhaps a vitamin or two in it if I want to live to the ripe old age of 150. As mentioned on a previous post, I'm cooking my own food. But I just get so confused as to what IS actually healthy. So I rely on people like Tescos and the like to help me. But there are so many pitfalls.

I'll give you an example... I'm mildly wheat-intolerant. So I decided that wouldn't it be a good idea if I had an oat-based type breakfast cereal? So off I trundle to Tescos and I bought their own-brand oat muesli. You don't get healthier than muesli, and wheat-free to boot! But I was horrified when I read the lable to see that it was actually 40% sugar.

Yes, that's not a typo... In every 100g of cereal, there is 40g of sugar. I don't even think that Frosties has that much sugar in it. I mean that is absolutely staggering. And that makes me bloody angry.

Who buys muesli? People that are trying to be healthy. When I buy 'healthy' food, is it too much that it is actually fucking healthy? It's the equivalent of raising free-range chickens, but sneaking out each night to give them all a damn good shoeing. It goes against the point of WHY you buy that product.

If you buy 'nuke food' or sausages or something like that, you know that it's going to be full of lips, elbows, eyeballs, scrotums and a million other hideous things, not to mention preservatives, e numbers and the rest. But when you decide to make a difference, you shouldn't need a fucking degree in nutritional science just to buy a breakfast that isn't going to give you diabetes in 5 years time.

I propose a Traffic Light Series for ALL food. Green for healthy, Amber for moderation and Red for unhealthy. That would make all the food manufacturers sit up and take notice. And would perhaps help the rest of us to actually notice what it is we're buying.


Anonymous said...

This leaves us with the horrible thought that there must, therefore, be people out there who buy muesli because they like the taste...

Chez Guevara said...

Crikey. I haven't seen it. I shall go back and have another look. And Zoe, you could be 8 foot tall, you will always be Little Zoe to me. Although if you were 8 foot tall, it would probably be behind your back.